Supply chain:
We have obtained confirmation from our suppliers of the corporate resilience planning they have put in place, including any high-level risks that may directly affect us and their estimated timeframes and solutions.
We can confirm that we currently have no concerns with continuity of supply. However, disruption is likely over the next weeks or months due to the extremely fast-moving nature of the situation. We are in close communication with our suppliers to ensure that we have the latest information on any such capacity or supply issues.
We are continually monitoring the UK Government advice and our local situation to provide appropriate guidance to our workforce to safeguard their health and well-being. Our personnel have not travelled to any of the restricted areas within the indicated timeframe and, as far as we are aware, have not come into direct contact with any affected individuals. All employees are being temperature checked twice per day, at the beginning of the shift and at their break time; anyone showing symptoms will be required to self-isolate as per Government advice. All staff who are able to and are not directly involved in the on-site activities required by our processes are working from home. Our production teams are running split shifts to minimise risk of contact and are employing social distancing measures at all times.
Visitors and meetings:
Only authorised persons are allowed to enter our premises; this is restricted to: employees, and planned visitors and subcontractors who are screened through a self-declaration form. Couriers are subject to a minimum of one metre of social distancing. We have also limited our business travel activities to minimise risks, with virtual conferencing the preferred communication method in the interim.
Mitigation of supply issues and shortages:
Whilst we are doing all we can to maintain both raw material supply and production, our customers can also take steps to ensure continuity of supply. We recommend that any known demand of a product is placed as a forward order with us two- to three-months ahead of requirement. This will help us and our suppliers to plan effectively and to take additional measures where necessary to ensure continuity and robustness of our supply chain.
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