One Vision for 2013 (and it’s not fried chicken)
Posted on 30/01/2013 Category: General Martins Rubber blog

To mark the New Year, we have released new (or at least, clearer and revised) objectives. With an inspirational vision for the future, we aim to: drive all our manufacturing departments towards improvements in efficiency and innovation; invest in our people and build on a culture that nurtures development and aspiration; continue to achieve growth and offer our customers and partners an even better working relationship. We all want to drive our businesses toward improvement but before we can do so, we need to know at what level we are currently performing. One of the things we have set up is a live broadcast for everyone on site; information on performance at our fingertips to enable immediate responses and pro active contingencies. It also means that we will be able to publish immediately any feedback from our websites, e-commerce teams, partners, suppliers and customers and be confident that it will reach every person who needs to know in seconds. So, having developed a list of 9 brand spanking new (well, rejuvenated) KPIs, we have just spent all day regaling teams of our employees, our on-site contractors and our long-term temporary staff with graphs and statistics; I must say our Quality Manager did a heroic job (even through his coughs and sniffles) in making them interesting, relevant, and even threw in a few witticisms to keep them light. On your next visit be sure to quiz any one of our team and they will be more than happy to entertain and delight you with how we measure our performance, and, indeed, what the recent results of those measures are. Now, I hear you ask, the important question is: what are these remarkable measures of which you speak, and how will they affect me? Well, they cover all the usual business measures you would expect from a good manufacturer such as scrap rates, customer rejections, sales to budget, and delivery performance. Yes, we have measured these for many years but what’s new is that they will be broadcast live around the company on screens, and we will be developing additional KPIs at a local level to give the manufacturing teams more control over how they can contribute to continuous improvement. And the result for you? Even more on-time deliveries, and eventually shorter lead times; a more responsive service as we gain better control over our processes and planning; a quality level that meets with your expectations every time without fail; a better-equipped sales team offering the service that you have come to expect, but every time, and a jolly happy purchasing experience. Now if that doesn’t sound like a way to ring in 2013, I don’t know what does.
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